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World Humanity with Nature Organization (WHNO)

Kinship for Humanitarian Social and Holistic Intervention in India. World Humanity with Nature Organization (WHNO) is India’s one of the independent and Youth Volunteer not for profit organizations founded on November 26th, 2018 by Dr. Naresh Kumar Verma. We are a self-established organization registered under the Trust Registration  REGD. No. 2130/ 2018.

World Humanity with Nature Organization (WHNO) is supporting by Small Group of Trustee /Special Members and Members with a strong passion to reform today’s  society and build a better India for tomorrow. The organization provides youngsters a platform to serve the society and bridges the gap between the educated and the uneducated ones.

Our volunteers educate and mentor children from orphanages, slum and village community centers across the country  and  provide  them with essentials for furnishing their forthcoming future in a right manner., which will benefit them as well as our country. The learning experience is mutual – our volunteers gain perspective and the experience to mold themselves into tomorrow’s leaders.

Our distinctive goal is to empower women and children from poor and marginalized communities both in rural and urban India leading to improved life of dignity through Education, Economic Empowerment and better health facilities. Over the last decade, World Humanity with Nature Organization (WHNO) has impacted more than 50 Thousand lives in their fight against poverty, abandonment and social neglect.

Given that today’s students will be tomorrow’s responsible citizens, leaders, workers, and parents, for them a good education is an investment with enduring benefits. But, providing education is not enough. What is important, and what generates a real return on investment, which is learning and acquiring skills. This is what truly builds human capital. World Humanity with Nature Organization (WHNO) delivers through well planned and comprehensive projects in Remedial education, Skill Development & Livelihood, Health & Nutrition and Sanitation.

The World Humanity with Nature Organization (WHNO)  works with a large number of different groups to achieve its goals, including other NGOs, governments, business, investment banks, scientists, fishermen, farmers and local communities. It also undertakes public campaigns to influence decision makers, and seeks to educate people on how to live in a more environmental friendly manner. It urges people to donate funds to protect the environment. The donors can also choose to receive gifts in return.


Dr. Naresh Kumar Verma
B.Sc., M.Sc. and Pursing PhD. in Bio-Technology

World Humanity With Nature Organization
This organization working for all humanity deeds and nature support program. Swachhta abhiyan is most important for humankind. Our organization WHNO (Trust) establishing Humanity with Nature and Nature with Humanity which both necessary for each other. Corruption is main root cause of inhumanity in mankind and inhumanity born intolerance from corruption and human blind with their frustration result destroying every parts of nature.
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