World Humanity with Nature Organization “WHNO” is established for Human beings with Nature and Nature with Human beings that are both necessary for each other. Nature and Humans Share a “Give and Take” relationship i.e., what we give to nature, nature will return the same. Be it negative or positive, the choice is ours. The Organization works for the Human Deeds and Nature Support Program.
Corruption is a slow poison that kills the constitution, the society, and the economy of developing nations. In other words, corruption is one of the biggest challenges faced in the contemporary world which clearly shows the difference between good and bad government. The factors that driving corruption and the effects of corruption can vary widely. Sometimes mishandling of policy may lead to catastrophic situations, where it harms the various sectors of the developing countries.
Great Persons Said about Corruptions:
• “Corruption is paid by the poor” — Pope Francis.
• “Integrity, transparency, and the fight against corruption have to be part of the culture. They have to be taught as fundamental values.” — Angel Gurría, OECD Secretary-General.
• “The Worst Disease in the World today is Corruption. And, there is a Cure: Transparency. — Bono
• “No Science is Immune to the Infection of Politics and the Corruption of Power.” — Jacob Bronowski
Swachhta Abhiyan is the most important part of the WHNO. The Objective of this mission includes eradication of manual scavenging, generating awareness and bringing about a behavior change regarding sanitation practices, and augmentation of capacity at the local level. The second phase of the mission aims to sustain the open defecation free status and improve the management of solid and liquid waste for humankind.